Archive pour la catégorie ‘critical fusion’

Words on Nerves

Vendredi 15 décembre 2006

MS Word Hacking


Given that predictive type-writing is now widely spread, what about text prediction if inspired by artistic or commercial purposes?
Typing a text on MS Word, some words can be recognised by the software and Word proposes immediately the end of the phrase, picked up from news of the day about dreadful events.

Another version: phrases automatically ending with an advertisement slogan that starts message starting with the word we are already typing.
This one would be provided only with a free version of MS Word.

More intensity and efficiency would be obtained by having the automatically added words blink.

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Exhibition Publique

Mercredi 13 décembre 2006

Art Reality Show [ARS]

Come back 2003

Un projet qui n’a pas vu le jour, trouve toujours sa place à la décharge:
Celui-ci, qui me revient ce matin, l’a probablement bien mérité.

[ARS] n’est pas une parodie de Reality Show. C’est un Reality Show. Il procède de ce que j’appelle la « fusion critique » (juste après la masse critique), où fiction et réalité fusionnent dans des situations critiques pour donner à comprendre, où du moins à interpréter sans refuser le plaisir, la distance, l’autonomie et où l’audimarket sert l’interprétation plus que l’exclusion, la diversion plus que le divertissement.

« 24h où les composantes de l’art s’expriment sous haute surveillance. Chaque acteur du monde de l’art jouit pour 24h d’une pièce de la Friche – La Belle de Mai, d’un espace de visibilité totale. Il esquive ou s’expose au regard permanent des Internautes, en toute liberté, mais sous contrat. Chaque participant peu à son tour inviter la ou les personnes de son choix, sans limite de nombre mais une seule à la fois, qui partageront ses 24 d’intimité surveillée… »

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NadArt (Rien, Nothing, Niente, Nichts, 何も, ничего)

Mardi 12 décembre 2006

Artist’s career project


The last 3 days : nothing.
Contemporary artists create their own constraints.
To produce contemporary art could be seen as an unconscious way is to justify emptiness.
If it is a way to survive by justifying useless productivity,
If it is a way to justify infinite un-productivity,
Then I have to justify not filling the contract of The Dump which is merely a new project everyday.
This one should be the ultimate dead-end:

An artist career design project:


A very pascalian way to become an artist :

One devotes one’s artist career to producing everyday justification of having produced nothing.

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Jeudi 30 novembre 2006

Good concept art needs good concept critics.

We need a magazine for the analysis and promotion of concept art. It has to be printed (should concept critique stay digital?).

Everybody is asked to write articles about projects/works from the Dump and the Open Dump.

Dump Mag

Contemporary art teaches us that the curator is actually the artist, the collector the historian, and the critics: the conceptors. When we see how a piece of art can be nicely dressed by a good critic, whatever the work, we understand that contemporary criticism is reversed conceptualisation. The impact on the artist is so big that we should respect the value of this not so new fundamental component of creation.

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Look Dad, it’s you!

Mercredi 29 novembre 2006

Player: Eleanor

This morning, Elea (3 years old) came to see me: “Look Dad, it’s you, on the book!”

I’ve always dreamt about being on the cover page of great books.

Done now!

Of course immediately I thought that one could build one’s story, a media bio, using front pages, covers, posters, advertisements, tabloids.

The world looks like us, and we share the responsibility of this resemblance.

Llook Dad, it's you

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Never-Too-Early Art

Lundi 27 novembre 2006

Players: MACVAL, Eleanor

Eleanor: “I wanna leave my Teddy here”

Should we say:
Children feel comfortable with contemporary art. I have never heard her say “I wanna leave my Teddy in a supermarket”.
So many things are so childish that children feel like being at pre-school.

Eleanor Doudou

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Stealth Proactive Art Massage (SPAM)

Dimanche 26 novembre 2006

L’intelligence déployée pour franchir nos firewalls et autres filtres antispam, devrait être reconnue à sa juste mesure. On est proche ici de la tactique militaire et de la création à l’état pur.

Les formes les plus efficaces font appel à l’art de l‘image comme à l’art de l’écrit. Elles touchent à des compétences variées.

L’art de l’ « objet » : titre du message. L’art du texte qui tente de dire que non il ne s’agit pas de plâtre sous forme de gélules ayant des propriétés stimulantes propres à redresser un obélisque en gelée.

L’art de l’image qui nous dit en couleur ce que nous ne voudrions pas lire en noir sur blanc. C’est là un art difficile. Alors que les artifices de la communication nous ont appris que les vessies sont belles comme des lanternes et que tout le monde le pense alors pourquoi rester isolé, nous prenons conscience du fait qu’il est inutile de résister et les Warhol du réseau devraient s’emparer des clichés magnifiés de la communication furtive (stealth communication) pour fonder une vision optimiste et soumise aux nouveaux dieux dont les pouvoirs dépassent les promesses, au moins en chiffre d’affaire.

Exposons-les !

stealth art

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Reality Switch

Mardi 21 novembre 2006

Obsessed by converting the world into what it should be, we need a unique control which will give us the feeling of nearly-controlled ultimate power.

I propose a series of works around the concept of a unique switch.

Inside the white box, at the middle of the front wall: a switch. It is the only visible element of the exhibition. The visitor is irrepressibly compelled to press it.

Then things happen.

Not necessarily the same, not in the same order, not necessarily.

The switch editing is an old trick for a new kind of life zapping.

Reality Switch

Samples :

Switch on

Of course the light can be deemed, and we understand that it was comes from the walls themselves.

Switch again

One of the walls becomes a screen, and we are inside an elevator going upwards.

Switch again

A nice and well-designed kitchen with the “ideal” family enjoying lunch.

Switch again

Darkness around us. The ambient sound that envelope us, gives us the feeling to be on the street, in the middle of a crowd.

Switch again

An ongoing TV program

Reality Switch

Switch again

Images all around the white box. Snap shots. Black and White. Blurry smartly-framed pictures of the actual visitors captured when coming in.

Sound : People during a contemporary art exhibition opening. Drinks and gossips.

Switch again

One wall/screen becomes the window of a skyscrapper. The sound gives us the feeling that something big is coming towards us. We then see the nose of a huge plane coming right to us. When it is big enough to darken the whole window, and when the sound reaches the climax, everything becomes normal again. Before the impact.

Switch again

We are in the dark looking for the switch. Sounds like rats moving on the ground.

The list is unlimited

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Product Placement

Samedi 4 novembre 2006

Each artwork, in an exhibition context, provide its own publicity. The exhibition makes it public, but also gives it the opportunity to « show-off ». In the Entertainment context, giving publicness to a product became a current practice. The fusion between production and promotion is totally consumed.
Let’s end the logic system, by proposing an artwork that is the promotion of another in a museum or a prestigious collection. The promotional support artwork must borough stylistic lines of contemporary art, in its academic variant.

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Sample Flat

Samedi 4 novembre 2006

Environment, installation, wallpaper.

Replacing the thing by its commercial representation is a phenomenon that seems to become general. In the TV discourse, the program has officially became an excuse for publicity that is the text, clearly said. Our environment then has to adapt and furniture objects of our daily lives replaced by their ratified representation. The attention time of each potential consumer being the true commercial value, information becomes free (web, newspapers), supported in all terms by publicity.

Wall Paper

The Sample Flat is a housing, with all furniture so to say, on advertising wallpaper (pages of catalogues) that shows objects for living at best price.

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