Archive pour la catégorie ‘writing’

Words on Nerves

Vendredi 15 décembre 2006

MS Word Hacking


Given that predictive type-writing is now widely spread, what about text prediction if inspired by artistic or commercial purposes?
Typing a text on MS Word, some words can be recognised by the software and Word proposes immediately the end of the phrase, picked up from news of the day about dreadful events.

Another version: phrases automatically ending with an advertisement slogan that starts message starting with the word we are already typing.
This one would be provided only with a free version of MS Word.

More intensity and efficiency would be obtained by having the automatically added words blink.

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Traité de Pensée générale pour Blogs et comptoirs

Jeudi 7 décembre 2006

Traité de Pensée Générale2

Le Jeu devient intéressant lorsqu’il crée lui-même ses mutations et ses dévoiements. Il serait à son égard aussi pertinent de parler de « jeu intelligent » que de parler en d’autres lieux d’ »intelligence artificielle ».

Je proposais il y a de cela quelques jours d’écrire un Traité d’art moyen.

Depuis ce matin les messages affluent en commentaire du Dump avec des titres rédigés de manière identique, des fragments d’aphorismes et autres citations passe-partout qui ont la pertinence de l’horoscope aux yeux du lecteur complaisant.

Ces messages s’enchainent donc, probablement générés automatiquement. Il s’agit là d’un projet brillant ! Produire de la pensée standard, je croyais en avoir l’exclusivité, mais une fois de plus l’exploration du Dump me prouve que quoique l’on ait pensé, un autre, ailleurs l’aura pensé avant nous, et en aura probablement fait meilleur usage. Ou alors c’est que ça n’en valait pas la peine.

Après le générateur automatique de blog.

Après le générateur automatique de commentaires.

Je propose la rédaction d’un Traité académique de pensée générale. Où tout sera dans tout et réciproquement. Compatible avec toutes les situations et tous les interlocuteurs, parlant anglais, ou français…

Je vous invite en guise d’illustration à lire les commentaires du Traité d’Art Moyen.

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Reversed Concept Artist

Dimanche 26 novembre 2006

Artist career project

One can decide to dedicate one’s artist life to produce concepts out of great master’s work and to publish them online.

see Reversed Concept Art

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Pas de fleurs coupées pour Florence

Mercredi 15 novembre 2006

No Cut Flowers for Florence

Written 15 novembrer 2006

translation by Ashley Ferro-Murray
Player : France Inter, David Guez, Jean-Pierre Balpe

I awoke with the interview by DG, which recounts how he sends a message to his sweetheart in the future: Great idea! But, in time, what will the words become? How do these variable words resonate when cut of their root?
Shouldn’t we offer a letter that is sent, forever alive, a letter that continues to develop with the passing of time and that will infinitely progress and multiply its literary buds and flamboyant blossoms?
The Net is not only a mode of transmission; it is a symbolic space that plays with time like an image plays with the surface. The only possible non-inert form for an ever-living message for the future is a letter that is susceptible to superb evolution that respects the wilting and the self-deterioration in the absence of the receiver.

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Treatise of Average Art

Vendredi 27 octobre 2006

Traité d'Art Moyen

Player: the Fiac (International Fair of Contemporary Art) and the off Fiac (sounds like an offence)

To write a treatise of average art, not about photography in tribute to Bourdieu, but about all this lounge production on fair. The best, even, seem to choose for that in their work, the most vulgar, rapidly understandable art, matching to the lounge chairs.
Average art has its school and manuscripts. It is hard work, but even academism needs a little talent.
In the beginning of the 80’s, annoyed by the coming back of representation, one qualified as “free” as it is said about free school. We imagined creating a circle of “followers”, which would try with much effort to make and remake what others had made, often in a better way before. But motivation was lacking already, to allow us to reach the goal of the project. Others are more persistent.
The asset of average art, is that it sells…in fact, maybe not as well as that.

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