Archive pour la catégorie ‘Dump structure’


Jeudi 30 novembre 2006

Good concept art needs good concept critics.

We need a magazine for the analysis and promotion of concept art. It has to be printed (should concept critique stay digital?).

Everybody is asked to write articles about projects/works from the Dump and the Open Dump.

Dump Mag

Contemporary art teaches us that the curator is actually the artist, the collector the historian, and the critics: the conceptors. When we see how a piece of art can be nicely dressed by a good critic, whatever the work, we understand that contemporary criticism is reversed conceptualisation. The impact on the artist is so big that we should respect the value of this not so new fundamental component of creation.

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Open Dump Megalo

Samedi 4 novembre 2006


Player : JBB
L’Open Dump ( est la version ouverte du Dump où chacun peut déposer ses projets et les rendre disponibles à ceux qui n’attendent que l’étincelle pour produire ou réaliser. Tout participant à l’Open Dump peut donc alternativement être force de proposition (concepteur), de commentaire (critique), de sélection (curateur), de production (producteur), et/ou de réalisation (réalisateur).
On pourrait penser que l’Open Dump vise, dans son extension maximale, à devenir au possible ce que Google est à l’existant.
Par chance, contrairement à la surexploitation de la faune aquatique par la pêche industrielle, l’Open Dump, naturellement artisanal, n’est pas prés d’écluser l’océan des possibles artistiques.
Pour Google je ne sais pas.
On sait que l’œuvre n’acquiert son statut que dans la réalisation. Les idées ne sont pas brevetables, et c’est une bonne chose.

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Transe Linguistique

Jeudi 2 novembre 2006

If you think that some projects desserve to be translated and you feel like to do it. Please do so, and post it as a « comment » and I will make it accessible through a flag. Please don’t forget to sign your translation. Thank you for helping the no-French-reading community.

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Open Dump FAQ

Mercredi 1 novembre 2006

Players : tous
Deux questions reviennent souvent :

1 : Tout le monde peut-il déposer des projets dans le Dump ?

MB : dans cette version (le Dump), le visiteur ne peut que classer ou commenter, quitte à proposer une variante ou un autre projet en commentaire. C’est pour moi un peu comme un bloc-notes. Dans The Dump, le projet est ouvert à tous et toutes formes de contribution et mais ce n’est encore qu’un projet. Un autre projet que je mettrai en œuvre rapidement permettra à tous les participants de contribuer en déposant leurs projets. Quelque chose comme l’Open Dump. The Dump sera alors clairement une décharge privée ouverte à tous, et l’Open Dump une décharge publique tout aussi ouverte.

2 : La deuxième question la plus fréquente est : peut-on s’approprier librement les projets du Dump ?
MB : bien entendu. C’est l’idée. Merci toutefois de me raconter ce que ça devient. Il n’y a aucune obligation de mentionner l’origine du projet. J’apprécierais cependant de connaitre les évolutions. Je pourrais alors introduire des liens sur le site pour faire connaitre le devenir des projets.

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The-Dump, finally

Lundi 23 octobre 2006

(blog-website) October 19th, 2006

I remained in dissatisfaction, facing the accumulation of projects, knowing that probably some of them would evolve in the usual process, until their realisation…others luckily, by neglect or forgetting, would sink in the depths of the website. This same principle of depot, without any idea sort out, in ranges starting from the most complex to the most indigent, imposes, because of the amount, either to leave time sort out (the ancient articles are certainly the less read), or to introduce the empirical filtrating process for further recycling.
Giving the choice to visitors to grade the projects upon their will, as in the usual blog process implies ones find easily their way through in what we share of medium motivation. The inconvenient would be to think art is democratic, that it can satisfy the consensus, be revelled by audimat. Nevertheless, I have always tested my projects by telling about them, even before any drawing or words had been put down.
So, at least, here, it is the compost more than the vox populi that disintegrates. In this purgatory of ideas, some of them would resist with use, to the dissolution in forgetness of the inferior stratum of the Dump. The Dump, where there would always be curious and volunteer minds to mottle, in the quest for what would have escaped from collective vigilance.
I therefore can consider the projects of the inferior layers would be abandoned to passers by and lingering on projects could develop themselves on the basis of this conceptual dunghill.

Each visitor would have the possibility to click:
- Deep-Dump
- Wait and see
- Keep it
- Should be done

Entering the blog, one could see horizontal lines, stratums, corresponding to the projects. The organisation is not done by chronology anymore, but by reaction classification. The inferior layers are the deep-Dump. Everything is available. Nevertheless, left possible to either pick in it or deliver:
- Keep me posted
- Forget it
- Think about it

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Concept Art

Lundi 23 octobre 2006

Concept Art

Note, Dump structure, artist career design
14th October 2006

The difference between the concept artist and the conceptual artist is that the former does not need to create the artistic projects he designs. The work is the concept, even if it concerns the creation of an object, a material structure or concrete production.

The concept artist produces concepts, catalogues of possible works. It is the absolute virtual production of the work, which might never exist, except in the minds of those who hear about it.

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